The adviqo Group is a global organisation based in Berlin, London and Paris. Since 2000 adviqo has revolutionized the market of life coaching with its multi-channel platforms, media and content, helping it become mainstream. In recent years, the adviqo Group has successfully added further interactive products and services to its portfolio, including streaming content and online magazines.

Questico offers websites, mobile apps and astro content all tailored to the consulting needs of each individual customer. With Questico, people find exactly the consultant that suits their personal needs. At the same time, the marketplace is a digital B2C platform for life coaches from different areas of life.

Horoskop.de is adviqo’s content flagship and digital magazine that delivers inspiring and mindful content, daily horoscopes and podcasts on your screens, and across social media feeds that’s just like you: curious, happy and self-caring.

viversum is a market leader in spiritual life counseling, offering clients digital solutions to get in touch with a life coach or psychic. At the same time, viversum online serves as a B2C marketplace for matching advisors with people seeking advice. viversum customers receive the free monthly magazine meinGlück with exclusive offers. Spiritual counselling includes life coaching with methods such as card reading, clairvoyance and fortune telling via classic telephony and chat.

Glückskeks, Dein Happiness Podcast – is Questico’s exciting podcast, exploring the essence of happiness. On Glückskeks, our host cracks open a new fortune cookie with a guest talking about their lives and their very own source of happiness. The weekly podcast is out every Thursday on Spotify, Apple & Podbean

Within the adviqo group fortunica is the stand-alone esoteric app that connects customers directly with professional life coaches and psychics. The app offers advice, free horoscopes, and lots of spiritual content for daily inspiration. fortunica connects people with life coaches from different areas of life in public and private chats.

AstroTV has been broadcasting live from Berlin since 2004. It is the only German TV channel focussing on spiritual life counselling. AstroTV broadcasts 23 hours live and in full HD via cable, satellite, LiveStream, AppleTV, FireTV and GoogleTV. AstroTV connects millions of spiritual viewers with psychics, astrologists and card readers via live call-in shows. Infomercials, teleshopping and daily light entertainment shows complete the full program.

The UK’s leading spiritual counselling marketplace, TheCircle.com, is the English-language platform that connects customers and psychic readers. Since 1997, millions of British clients seeking advice have placed their trust in TheCircle.com’s psychics who focus on astrology and esoteric, love and partnership, tarot and card reading, clairvoyance and fortune telling. As a B2C marketplace, TheCircle.com connects experts with their customers via classic telephony and chat.

In 2019 the adviqo Group acquired a majority stake in Kang that boasts a successful and seamlessly integrated network of online platforms in France, Italy and Spain. Kang’s core markets complement adviqo’s European footprint in DACH and the UK. The adviqo Group now has a strong presence in all major European markets.

The magazine about spiritual lifestyle has been available in shops since 2003. Over the years, the magazine has increasingly focused on astro content, horoscopes, success stories and interviews with life counsellors. The monthly magazine Zukunftsblick including a brochure listing an array of psychics, readers and life coaches is distributed in Germany, Austria, Switzerland as well as Luxembourg.

With the Zodiac Psychics family of digital properties, the adviqo Group extends its international footprint into the United States and other important markets of the Americas.
ZodiacPsychics.com is the web-based property in the family that
connects users with top-rated psychics across the
US and Canada.

With the Zodiac Psychics family of digital properties, the adviqo Group extends its international footprint into the United States and other important markets of the Americas.
Zodiac Touch is the premiere English-language app in the Zodiac Psychics family that connects users with top-rated psychics across
the US and Canada.

With the Zodiac Psychics family of digital properties, the adviqo Group extends its international footprint into the United States and other important markets of the Americas.
Psiquicos is the premiere Spanish-language app in the Zodiac Psychics family that connects users with top-rated psychics
across LatAm and Spain.

Premium astro content from concept to final horoscope – that’s what the team of experienced astrologers and editors stands for. In addition to the creation of horoscopes, astro.de offers a full-service horoscope delivery – from content upload to technical interface and API integration for efficient implementation in print, online and mobile media.

For noeastro.de a team of experienced astrologers and editors creates individual astrological products, analyses and typologies. Exclusive horoscopes can be ordered via push notification and e-mail, digital and printed via the website. Other spiritual services include the interpretation of tarot cards, numerology and stars.